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Reach Initiative International - Compassion-driven outreach to Israel and the nations

Amazing Visions - by William Booth
Newly republished by David Ravenhill

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We covet your prayers. After 11 years of enduring through unhealthy rentals, 2 years of intense warfare over building our own non-toxic home and 3 different builders, we're almost there...a healthy and safe home of our own - a place to rest in the Lord and give Him rest in us. Please pray with us for accelerated provision. Read more .


Andre & Kimberly Lefebvre
Home Team - Soaking.Net

The Ground of Davidic Reality

by Bryan Purtle

"Be gracious to me, O LORD, for I am in distress;
My eye is wasted away from grief, my soul and my body also.
For my life is spent with sorrow
And my years with sighing;
My strength has failed because of my iniquity,
And my body has wasted away.
Because of all my adversaries, I have become a reproach,
Especially to my neighbors,
And an object of dread to my acquaintances;
Those who see me in the street flee from me.
I am forgotten as a dead man, out of mind;
I am like a broken vessel." -Ps. 31.9-12

The element of human weakness in the Psalms is a great provision for the Church, for the moment we come onto the grounds of flowery religious cliche, we at once come to unreality, and God will not work with us along those lines. It is noteworthy for us to consider that the sweet-singer and priestly King of Israel, David himself, had seasons where his soul was overcome with grief and confusion, paranoia and weariness, fear and hopelessness. This does not make him an insignificant figure in the history of the faith, but is rather a testament to the faithfulness of God, Who is able to save "to the uttermost" all who call upon His name.

The Psalms are filled with David's inner turmoils and wrestlings, and he was not afraid to sing of them in the Tabernacle of old. He did not think of his spiritual image before men, for he was pre-eminently concerned for the presence of the heavenly King. He knew that the One Who had formed the world and knit him together in his mother's womb, was well acquainted with the actual condition of his life. He felt no need to perform spiritually, but to come to God on the grounds of truth, bringing to the Lord the whole of who he was, "warts and all."

This is a great call for our nip-and-tuck, fashion-obsessed, image-dominated society. We unfortunately bring the unreality of worldly thought into our experience of religion, and most of us can be found putting up the self-image of our choosing; that which looks most presentable to men. But God has ever and always been eager for the reality and truth of our condition, for it is only on those grounds that we meet with His mercy and transforming power.

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Iranian Christian Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani Health Deteriorating in Jail

Iranian Christian Pastor, Youcef Nadarkhani is reported to be deteriorating in health, and experiencing extreme living conditions, for his refusal to recant his Christian faith, a member of the Church of Iran who requested anonymity has said.

As reported by Compass Direct News, the source indicated that there is limited communication with the pastor and that Nadarkhani is experiencing physical and psychological torture. The source described Nadarkhani as being placed in solitary confinement and not being able to speak to anyone for long periods, as well as being constantly threatened with death.

More details here.

Also visit Voice of the Martyrs

For Pastor Nadarkhani

• For God to stay the hand and change the hearts of the Iranian judiciary, that they would reconsider the death sentence handed down.

• That the international statements of support for Pastor Nadarkhani would have an impact on the verdict.

• That God would uphold Pastor Nadarkhani physical and mental health.

• For peace, strength and comfort for Pastor Nadarkhani's family.

• For wisdom and protection for Pastor Nadarkhani's lawyer who is also facing legal difficulties.

• That attempts to charge him with other charges to justify a death sentence will come to nothing.

• That many of his captors would be convicted and turn to Christ.


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